PTO Expense Forms

Please email for any purchase requests through Amazon on already budgeted/approved purchases. PTO has a tax exempt Amazon account.

Teacher's creative cash refund request: Purchases can be refunded for classroom items or pet supplies up to $150. Every teacher with a classroom is included in this list. A receipt is required.

Earhart PTO Teacher Grant request form: $1200 was approved for grants to be used in situations where you have an enrichment activity that the creative cash does to cover the cost. Items requested for this should benefit more than one classroom. When the funds are gone, the form will be closed. When funds are all used, we will update it here. 

General Refund Request (all approved purchases that are not teacher creative cash): Ensure your purchase was a budgeted item or APPROVED grant and complete this request with a receipt.

***Both the check request forms (for any refund) and the grant forms can be completed on paper. These forms are in the PTO binder that is on top of the staff mailboxes in the office.